
24th Annual Conference

of UW-Madison’s German and Dutch Graduate Student Association

“Movement in German and Dutch Studies” (October 11-12, 2024)

Conference Location: Memorial Union (Madison, WI)


Friday, October 11th: Memorial Union – Old Madison (3rd Floor East)

3:00: Opening Remarks (Robin Cummins, Patricia Haberkorn)

3:15-4:15: Panel Borders and Boundaries

  • 3:15-3:45: “Propelled by Movement: Inner Restlessness and Dissatisfaction in Christa Wolf’s Kassandra” by Cassandra Winkelman, UW-Madison
  • 3:45-4:15: “Movement and boundaries in Yoruba Mythology and Jeremias Gotthelf’s Die Schwarze Spinne: A Comparative Analysis” by Kehinde Sowunmi, University of Michigan

4:15-4:30: Refreshment Break

4:30-6:00: Keynote “Applied Linguistics and Social Justice”

  • Dr. Caroline L. Rieger, The University of British Columbia

6:00-8:00: Conference Dinner (Memorial Union – Beefeaters (3rd Floor East))


Saturday, October 12th: Memorial Union – Old Madison (3rd Floor East)

8:30-9:15: Breakfast & Welcome Back Remarks (Robin Cummins, Patricia Haberkorn)

9:15-10:45: Panel Inclusion and Contrast

  • 9:15-9:45: “Moving away from the mis- and underrepresentation of people with disabilities in German curricula: Wochenendrebellen – A pedagogical unit” by Patricia Haberkorn, UW-Madison
  • 9:45-10:15: “Viennese Monopthongization into South Tyrol” by Jameson Lynch, UW-Madison
  • 10:15-10:45: “A diachronic perspective on phonological contrast in Dutch” by Charlotte Vanhecke, UW-Madison

10:45-11:00: Refreshment Break

11:00-12:00: Workshop “Teaching Intersectionality with Moving Images”

  • Dr. Mary Hennessy and Dr. Zach Ramon Fitzpatrick, UW-Madison

12:00-1:30: Lunch Break

1:30-2:30: Panel Identity and Belonging

  • 1:30-2:00: “Grenzen in Das nackte Auge by Yoko Tawada” by Sophie Hawks, Kansas State University
  • 2:00-2:30: “The Aesthetics of Belonging and Longing for a Home in Robert Stemmle’s Toxi” by Temitayo Babayeju, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

2:30: Closing Remarks & Reflection (Robin Cummins, Patricia Haberkorn)